ࡱ> =?<q` R(bjbjqPqP 2*::         HHHHd4 8: $h( 9 !!!   B!^  !   D|HR?X0( (>0,\$   !!!!    D             TECHNICAL SERVICE GUIDE: Western Blotting CUSTOMER INFORMATION Name: Phone:Institude:E-mail:PRODUCT INFORMATION Cat. #: Product Name: Lot. #:Purchase Date: Sales Order Number (if bought from Santa Cruz Shanghai Co.ltd):If bought from a reseller, what is the name of the re-seller: PROBLEM AND PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 1. What is the specific problem you are experiencing? 2. What size bands were expected and what size bands were detected? 3. Was the blot blank or was a dark background or non-specific bands seen? 4. Did this same vial of product work in the past? What were the results? 5. Did other lots of this product work in the past? Which lots? What were the results? SAMPLES AND CONTROLS 1. From what species (animal) was the sample and what type of sample was used (cell lysate, tissue, purified protein, etc.)? What lysis buffer was used? 2. How much sample was loaded on the gel? 3. If the blocking peptide was used, was it used as a negative control? 4. What positive and/or negative controls were used, and what were the results? BLOCKING 1. What were the blocking conditions (blocking solution, how long, what temperature. etc.)? PRIMARY AND SECONDARY ANTIBODIES 1. At what dilution(s) was the primary antibody used and what was the diluent? 2. What were the incubation conditions (time, temperature) for the primary antibody? 3. From which company was the secondary antibody obtained and what type of secondary was being used (HRP or AP conjugated, anti-rabbit or anti-goat, etc.)? 4. What detection system was used, and was it compatible with the secondary conjugate? 5. At what dilution(s) was the secondary antibody used and what was the diluent? 6. What were the incubation conditions (time, temperature) for the secondary antibody? 7. Has a secondary control been performed successfully? 8. If using Cruz Markers, how many L were loaded, and was a Cruz Marker compatible secondary antibody used? 9. Can you verify that all Molecular Weight Markers transferred to the membrane? 10. At what temperature has the primary antibody been stored? Has it ever been frozen? MEMBRANE, GEL, DETECTION 1. What detection system was used and what were the exposure times for the film? 2. What type of membrane was used (PVDF or nitrocellulose)? 3. What percentage gel was used? Was this appropriate for the size of the protein? SANTA CRUZ BIOTECHNOLOGY, INC. In order to process your request as soon as we can, the information below is compulsory: 1.result images 2. loading control 3. positive control 4.negative control 5. secondary control )*>?EFLNXZacvw( Ʊƈs_s_s_Os_Os_Osh!h!5\aJnHtH&h!h!5CJOJQJ\^JaJ)h!h!5CJOJQJ\^JaJo(,h!5B*CJOJPJ\^JaJo(phh!h!5h!h!5o()h!5B*CJOJPJ\^JaJph$h!5B* OJPJ\^Jo(phQ!h!5B* OJQJ\^JphQ)h!5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph*?FMNYZbe7kdV$$Ifl544 laJkd$$Ifl0 5P Q 44 la $Ifgd!gd!gd!(bcwZ]kd$$IflF         44 la $Ifgd!7kd$$Ifl544 la) * + K L PGGGgd!7kd$$Ifl J!44 la7kdt$$Ifl J!44 la $If7kd4$$Ifl J!44 la( ) * + J L   ^ _ g h , - 5 7   [ \ PQ3~0223ƿʸƿƿƿ#h!B*CJOJQJ^JaJph h!5\ h!h!h!!h!5B* OJQJ\^JphQ h!o(h!h!5\aJnHtHh!h!5CJOJQJ\=L   ^ _ g h , - 6 7  gd!gd!  [ \ PQ34~123gd!gd!3g((( h!h U hu}V5\h!h!5\(((gd!6. molecular weight of Marker If you tried different experiment conditions, please specify conditions you used and provide the corresponding images. 0182P. A!"#$%S T$$If!vh5P 5Q #vP #vQ :V l5P 5Q >$$If!vh5#v:V l5>$$If!vh5#v:V l5\$$If!vh5 5 5 #v #v :V l5 5 >$$If!vh5J!#vJ!:V l5J!>$$If!vh5J!#vJ!:V l5J!>$$If!vh5J!#vJ!:V l5J!P@P !Normal$*$1$a$CJKH_HaJmH sH tHDAD Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListV^@V ! Normal (Web)$w1$a$CJOJQJ^J **?FMNYZbcw)*+KL^_gh,-67[\PQ34KLefH g > 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000@0@0@0@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000*?FMNYZbcw)*+ > I00I00K00K00K00 K00K00 K00K00 K00K00K00K00K00 K00K00 K0 0K00 K0 0K00 @0K0"0#K0"0K0"01H00'>10w00( 3( bL  ( ( __DdeLink__447_1679622419+ + \Qj\Qj\Rj\DQj  9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity ݪ NW"(PUWY    # , 333333+L  2m!N3u}V ?FMNYZbcw)* @?011444 @@@@$@@P@UnknownG:Ax Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Cx Arialu$Univers-CondensedBoldArial Unicode MSi$Optima-DemiBoldArial Unicode MSe$Optima-MediumArial Unicode MS;([SOSimSun qh,JG_JG  q-!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 0 00000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[2 2QHX)?!2)TECHNICAL SERVICE GUIDE: Western BlottingUser 17User 17Oh+'0 , L X dpx,TECHNICAL SERVICE GUIDE: Western BlottingUser 17NormalUser 172Microsoft Office Word@F#@f=|@C| ՜.+,0 hp|    *TECHNICAL SERVICE GUIDE: Western Blotting Title  !"#$%&'()*+-./012356789:;>Root Entry FD|@Data 1TableWordDocument2*SummaryInformation(,DocumentSummaryInformation84CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q